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Women's History Month

Internationally, March has been declared Women’s History Month highlighting women’s achievements, roles and contributions in the effort towards equality between women and men worldwide. The Status of Women Canada announced the theme for 2009 as ‘Strong Leadership. Strong Women. Strong World. Equality.’ See the web page here,

It is equally important for men to be involved in the celebration of the women in their lives and to recognize these women for the equal partners they are.

I am proud to be raising four very strong, independent daughters who are clearly leaders of their generation. Over the years, they have been exposed to many powerful and passionate female role models ranging from school principals to reverends, and most importantly, mothers. I do include myself here, but the list is long in our family of strong independent matriarchs that struggle for the life they want while remaining the nurturing mother too.

As a Canadian, I like to explore those female role models that have made contributions to the movement of equality in our country. We have made great strides, though there is still movement necessary in order to close the gender gap. For a great list of some famous Canadians worth celebrating click on the following link;

A first reading of my poem In the Name of Gaia takes place on International Women’s Day, March 8th, at the Town Hall in Bloomfield Ontario from 2-4pm. The works of other commendable female contributors will also be displayed and read with a print version to follow.

Stand tall.
